Whatever Happens, Happens for a reason...
The same applies to your visit here too...
Once a Soul takes a birth in this universe with a mortal body, it loses its connection, memory with the source called GOD.. It then takes cycles of birth-death process to realize its own nature.Once this spark of thought arises, it then starts exploring the possibilities of reconnection by various means..
One of the powerful and fastest ways for this reconnection is the way of the Siddhar's., the Realized Immortal beings, who take birth by their own will out of compassion for guiding the poor and helpless souls for the return journey...
These light Beings out of their Supreme realization share their valuable wisdom with us, for which the soul longs for.... They Serve the humanity in numerous ways..
As an Bengali proverb goes, "A Guru is always available, but a committed disciple is rare to find..". A Guru lives in-between us, but HE will be visible ONLY when the disciple becomes ready...
Mahaavatar Babaji to Lahiri Mahasaya , "Truth is for earnest seekers, not for those of idle curiosity. It is easy to believe when one sees; there is nothing then to deny. Super-sensual truth is deserved and discovered by those who overcome their natural materialistic skepticism."
Let us be earnest seekers and allow ourselves to be guided by the All compassionate Siddhar Beings...
Whatever Happens, Happens for a reason...
The same applies to your visit here too...
Once a Soul takes a birth in this universe with a mortal body, it loses its connection, memory with the source called GOD.. It then takes cycles of birth-death process to realize its own nature.Once this spark of thought arises, it then starts exploring the possibilities of reconnection by various means..
One of the powerful and fastest ways for this reconnection is the way of the Siddhar's., the Realized Immortal beings, who take birth by their own will out of compassion for guiding the poor and helpless souls for the return journey...
These light Beings out of their Supreme realization share their valuable wisdom with us, for which the soul longs for.... They Serve the humanity in numerous ways..
As an Bengali proverb goes, "A Guru is always available, but a committed disciple is rare to find..". A Guru lives in-between us, but HE will be visible ONLY when the disciple becomes ready...
Mahaavatar Babaji to Lahiri Mahasaya , "Truth is for earnest seekers, not for those of idle curiosity. It is easy to believe when one sees; there is nothing then to deny. Super-sensual truth is deserved and discovered by those who overcome their natural materialistic skepticism."
Let us be earnest seekers and allow ourselves to be guided by the All compassionate Siddhar Beings...