Dedicated to the Holy feet of my Beloved GuruDevas

Dedicated to the Holy feet of my Beloved GuruDevas
This union with the guru, O Kabir, Sets me free; like salt mingled With flour, I am no more I! Now I have no caste, no creed, I am no more what I am! O dear brother! By what name would you call me? - Kabir

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Maha Mantra

One of my Siddha Guru "Annai Siddhar Rajakumar Swami" was taken in to a forest by His Guru "Sree La Sree Thalayaati Siddhar" perumaan and informed him that HE will soon leave his physical body. (Samaadhi)

Before doing  so, He thought of giving a great boon not only to His close Disciple but for the entire humanity in the form of a Mantra.

HE said that "I want to give you the Sum total of all my energies, so whenever you recite that mantra Be aware that I am with you" and HE bestowed the Maha mantra to Him.
It is


Pray to the 210 Sitthars everyday and Chant " AUM JAI GURUVAE THUNAI " your peaceful place of dwelling will become as resplendent as the Sanctum of the Lord of the Seven hills.

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